

Newlands. Arm. Group. Sailing.

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N.M.S.C. / N.A.G.S. Calendar for 2015/16

Nicholson Model Sailing Club

May 20th NAGS --- (forecast Warm Sunny 15k winds NW)??

Reality? Warm, Wet, Cold, NO WIND, But a great Day was had by all 

9 Club Members. Lots of Talking, Lots of Laughing, and a Great Barbie  a typical NAGS sailing day, BUT.! No Wind? (Well there was as we rigged the boats) but as soon as Ken launched his "Victoria Class" the wind died

Bob Moore won the day by actually completing 1 and a half laps of the short course

The reason Bobs boat went so well was because of the assistance he received prior to the race in the final rigging adjustments by one of the World Famous

    "Big Footed, Red Beaked Longnecked Black Newlands Arm Racing Ducks           Latin:- Blacki Swanus


N.A.G.S "Windlingers " All recommended The Radio Sailing Shop       

The Radio Sailing Shop now has new owners Andrew and Lore Cook

  The Shop is now much bigger, carries a larger range of stock and has moved to

Hampton in Victoria.

Contact : Andrew  on 0414 564 426 or

To Link to The Radio Sailing On-Line Shop   Click Here