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NEXT Sailing & "Playing Boats Days"
Wednesday February 12th
Dawsons Cove Newlands Arm
Season 23/24 N.A.G.S. Opening Day Wednesday October 11th
What a perfect Day .Terrific weather a great BBQ lunch 8 Yachts sailing , a couple of powerboats. Bobs new noisy Prop driven rescue boat. and with several prospective new members a few onlookers and 20 Club Members an enjoyable day was had by all
PS: Marcus. I have lost your details please send them via the "Contacts Page"
Trevor Ashby`s new Paddle Steamer ËNTERPRISE
NMSC / NAGS "Windling" Social Model Sailing Group
The Nicholson Model Sailing Club ( N.M.S.C. )was formed in Sept 2004
The Nicholson Model Sailing Club Wednesday Sailing "NAGS" ( Newlands Arm Group Sailors) was formed in January 2015
N. A. G. S. Meet at 11:00am & Sail / "Play Boats" on the 2nd Wednesday of the Month.
N.A.G.S meet at the Boat Ramp Park Dawsons Cove. Newlands (Map)
Sail at the Nicholson River Car park Nicholson
For the 23/24 Season the First and Third Saturdays of the month at 11am, till approx 3:30
See Calendar
NAGS Wednesday Windling, Sailing & BBQ day
Was formulated to meet New and Prospective members,
Teach Newcomers and Novices to our great hobby how to Build & Sail RC Boats
and give some hands on instruction in how to operate & Race RC Sailing Yachts.
Give information on how to obtain boats and equipment, Tactics, Rules, Racing Etiquette and all the things new members cant learn when serious racing is taking place at our Nicholson venue
We usually spend the first hour getting our boats and gear ready, have a chat about boats etc before getting a few boats in the water We then have a very social BBQ Lunch at the excellent facilities available at Dawsons Cove
We then spend the next few hours "Windling" before packing up for the day and most importantly having a cuppa and a chat about the days events, before our tired, happy group of "Windlingers" head for home
If you have the urge to become a NAGS Windlinger, or would just like to come for a visit
contact details on our "Contacts Page"
NMSC held a demonstration day at the Progress Jetty in conjunction with the
PAYNESVILLE FARMERS MARKET, on the Foreshore at Paynesville
12 radio-controlled (RC) yachts and model boats were on display and many people showed a great interest in the Sailing demonstration and it appears we picked up several new members

At our usual spot at Dawson Cove Newlands Arm at about 11:00am
What is "Windling" you may ask??
Windling is a term that has been around Model Yacht Sailing for years, the word was `created’ by a Sailor fed up at the time in his sailing club with the poor sportsmanship, argumentative attitude and outbursts of language and bad behavior of a great many Club and (International Classes) model yachtsmen. who just want to race very seriously all the time, whereas some sailors prefer to construct, race for fun and sail all types of craft and enjoy
"Just Playing Boats"
Model of the CURLIP by Bernard Spells
Windling is social sailing, the model sailboat equivalent of "Competitive Cruising", where adult men build all sorts of boats and gather to enjoy each other's company and sail their sailboats in a relaxing atmosphere.
There is no room for really serious competitive stuff when Windlers sail and even on occasional `regatta days’, apparent `races’ are no more than fast cruise style rounding's of the buoys, no calls, no shouting for buoy room, no anger, no protests or claims that a boat has `touched the buoy’, it is all laid back fun sailing, both peaceful and relaxing. There is no quoting and arguing of rules either because there are no rules in Windling
If a sailor just happens to "Win a Competitive Cruise " The prize is usually a "Well Done". or if it's a special event maybe a Boiled Lolly or in best case a Chocolate if its a really special event
They take the time to greet and help each other as they share the Lake with Ducks, Swans, Pelicans and maybe diving Cormorant,or Dolphins
To help in the recovery, or repair of others boats that may have problems
Most Importantly: Help newcomers to the hobby to learn about boat building and to help teach them to Sail r/c Sailboats, talk to pond side passersby who show an interest, have a cup of tea or two, share a joke or three..
To say good bye and reflect on the days events before they leave the lake to go home
Model 1908 Steam Launch (Built by Bob Moore)
N.A.G.S "Windlingers " All recommended The Radio Sailing Shop
The Radio Sailing Shop now has new owners Andrew and Lore Cook
The Shop is now much bigger, carries a larger range of stock and has moved to
Hampton in Victoria.
Contact : Andrew on 0414 564 426 or Andrew@radiosailingshop.com.au
To Link to The Radio Sailing On-Line Shop Click Here